Teacher: There is a new girl!
Everyone is class smiles.
Me: Hi, I'm Sienna.
Teacher: What is your name?
Me: Sienna
Teacher: Sienna?
Whole class tries to explain my name.
Teacher: Ahhhh okay Sienna, nice to meet you. Where are you from? Will you be here the whole year?
Me: The United States, and yes.
Teacher takes attendance. Pauses, looks at me. Whole class looks at me.
Teacher: Coskran?
Me: Yes, Coskran?
Teacher: Coskran, Coskran, Okay.
This is more or less how it goes. Some teachers ask more questions, some less. I still have about five more teachers to meet...
On a different note, I finally got a photo with friends from my class!
I loved your now often repeated dialogue with each new teacher. I guess you've got it down pretty well by now!....and in Italian! How many times have you spelled Coskran?