Happy Halloween! I'm not really doing anything to celebrate because I am currently in Bologna!
Saturday night I had another diciotessimo. I think it is one of the last for a while. It was on the beach and had the most dancing than any of the other three I've been too, making it one of the most fun. Sadly not many of my classmates could make it because it is a holiday weekend so people were out of town, or because they couldn't find rides to Kaukana (a city outside of Ragusa near Marina di Ragusa). I feel like I bonded with my classmates that were there.
Three of my classmates at the party :) |
Sunday Giovanella and I drove to Catania to have lunch at a Vineyard with the other Rotarians. It was an amazing five course meal, with a lot of starch. The dessert was very typical of Catania. Its a little cake called "St Agatha's boob...". St Agatha was a martyr who stood up for her religion and (maybe you guessed it) got her boob cut off... I know it doesn't sound that appetizing and is a little weird, but it's really good. After lunch, which probably lasted four and a half hours, we drove to the airport to fly to Bologna. My host cousin, Anna, met us there. We got to the hotel around midnight and headed to bed.
St Agatha's boob... |
Today we have been exploring Bologna and visiting with Giovanella's son Bruno. It's been really fun, and this afternoon Anna and I might do a little shopping.