
Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12 2017

Wednesday night was dance class number three. I'm really enjoying it. Most people started at the beginning of the year (or two or three years ago), so the teacher teaches the group, and the advanced students take turns helping teach Mati and I the basics.

A sunny day in Ragusa on the way to school.

Today at school, instead of classes there was a college fair. The classical high school came as well so I was able to see my friends.

Ana wanted to buy some souvenirs for her family back in Brazil so we took the beautiful walk down to Ibla.

Coming down the hill.
Looking back up.

By the time we got back it was dark. The lighting or weather doesn't matter. The view never gets old.

1 comment:

  1. Dance class!!! Stick with it! I remember your sister's call after her first salsa class:)

    The view never gets old from this end either.
