
Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6 2017

On Wednesday a few friends came over to bake some chocolate chip cookies. I have a lot of time, so before people come over, I usually bake a batch or two of different types of cookies. Everyone always really likes them, so we had fun making a batch together and eating them hot.

Wednesday night was a birthday party for my friend Enrico. 

The party was in Comiso, a town over, so we did a little lap around the center.
Yesterday Valerio and his wife Vierna (Giogio and Pino's friends who are visiting with their family from Malta, but they are originally from Bologna, Italy) made Piada for dinner. It's pretty much an Italian quesadilla

 I had had a lot of time on my hands so I made a carrot cake for the party.

It turned out really well. 
No good party can end with out singing and dancing. (We also played a little around the world monopoly). 


  1. You are becoming quite the baker! Grandma Katie would be proud! What recipe did you use for the carrot cake? I am making one today.

    You should definitely bring home the dancing tradition!

  2. I too am so impressed with your culinary skills. You are tackling quite varied foods, some quite complicated and in a country where you can't always get the ingredients you need, at least not in the form you expect them--well done!
