Tuesday, I thought it was a normal day at school, but being the exchange student I always seem to be out of the loop. After first hour, fifth year students and guest offered a range of lesson that people could pick and choose from. I ended up going to "Legalization of Marijuana/Dread Making" "Is Beauty Important?" and the "The Discovery of Harmony". In the picture above my friend Dario is explaining some very complex musical concepts about harmony, that I wouldn't have understood even if it was in english. |
Yesterday, for reasons I still don't understand I found Anna's scooter in the hallway. |
For thanksgiving, my lovely, Auntie Anna sent me a package that unfortunately arrived a bit late. In the package was a little bag of Minnesotan wild rice, that for some reason intimidated me a bit and has been sitting on my desk for over 6 months. Yesterday I finally looked up some recipes, and got a few ideas. For Giogio, Zia Graziella, Anna and I, I made wild rice salads with arugula, beats, feta cheese and toasted almonds. |
Yesterday I gave a presentation to my Rotary Club about my experience this year. It really made me realize that the year is quickly coming to an end. |
Especially for the fifth year students, these last few weeks of school are an intense and stressful period. Thankfully I have found one other person who has free time and Natasa and I have started meeting up all the time. It's really interesting to hear how different her life in Serbia is from mine in Minnesota. We always meet at the same cafe and after a month of ordering cappuccino's, today I asked if there was hot tea. I was pleasantly surprised by the tea menu the waitress gave me and even happier when I saw there was chai tea! |
Today I thought the bridges looked particularly pretty and felt inspired to even try to take a selfy.
You are amazing! The wild rice salad looked especially wonderful. Maybe you will make it for us when you are home!