
Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 10 2016

On Tuesday I had way too much free time, as always, so I made a batch of oatmeal raison cookies. My plan was to bring them to class to share with my classmates. The hope was that they would be victory cookies for Hillary Clinton becoming president. Instead they were condolence cookies because of Donald Trump's election.

Everyone on Facebook has explained the emotions and consequences of Trumps election better than I could, so I'll just explain the differences of experiencing the election while in Italy.

Those of us living in America are surrounded by people who feel just as afraid and dumbstruck as ourselves, because together we realize the significance Trump's elections could have on our country and lives. It seems that despite the separation of the country there is a sense of unity as people comfort each other and fight to put good into the world in the midst of a tragic event ( I am making this assumption based off conversations and Facebook posts).

 Living in Italy in this moment I am mostly surrounded by people who feel very distant from the problem. Instead of a being perceived as the earth shattering moment it truly is, it's just a joke (which is truly what America has become). As the American girl people are constantly joking with me about if I voted for Trump or if I am happy about it. Thankfully because the election is over the jokes are slowing down, but there seems to be little thought given to the fact that Trump doesn't just go away after election day, he's going to be causing problems for four years.

That mostly sums up the experience, and I have had enough of politics. My big project for the moment is Thanksgiving. A few of my classmates mentioned that they would be interested in celebrating it, so I went home talked to Giovanella and am now planning on making thanksgiving dinner. I invited everyone one in my class (24 people) but am assuming around 10 or 15 will come. I am pretty nervous because I've never done big cooking like this before, but I am organized and I think I can do it. I am hoping it will be a good bonding experience with my classmates.

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