This week I am starting a few lessons in other classes. Yesterday I had religion class with 3B. The class was taught by the same religion teacher I have in 5G. She was really sweet and took the whole class period to help me get to know the other students and to let them ask me questions. We talked about how being "foreign" in Ragusa means you were born in a different city an hour away.
This morning I had an Italian grammar class with 1A, meaning that this morning I walked into a class of fourteen year olds. At first I think they may have been a little intimidated of me, but I just tried to smile and look approachable and everyone introduced themselves. The class was really helpful I learned about adjectives and the teacher was really good about making sure I understood.
This afternoon I had an art class with 4B which was a completely new experience. As I was walking down the hallway looking for the right class the art teacher found me and we walked into the class together. As soon as I walked in a boy I had met in the hallway the other day, Jordan, saw me and rushed to pull out the chair next to him and usher me to my seat. The art teacher interrogated (not as scary as it sounds, just an oral test) three students at his desk leaving the rest of the class room free. Before I knew it I was completely surrounded by people pulling up chairs, sitting on tables and standing behind me. Everyone had a million different questions.
Me: Oh hi everyone.
Student: Where are you from?
Me: Minnesota.
Student: What music do you like?
Me: A lot of different things.
Students: (List every band they can think of and see if I like them)
Student: Do you play a sport?
Me: I played Rugby for four years in the U.S.
Student: OMG that is so cool! (A lot of high fives)
Student: Do you have siblings?
Me: A twin sister.
Students: Let us see a picture! (I show a picture) You guys look so much a like!
Student: Are you catholic?
Me: No I'm actually jewish.
Student: Holy S**t! Guys did you hear that?!? We have A JEW in the class? Has anyone ever actually met a jew?????????
Student: Do you know swear word in Italian or sicilian?
Everyone tries to teach me all the words they can think of, writes them on the desk, and asks me to say them back to them. At some point I was also taught some sort of hand signal or dance (?).
Student: At what age.....(I didn't understand the rest of the question).
Whole class explodes.
Teacher: What happened?
Student: ______ is trying to flirt with Sienna!
Student: No I'm not. I have a girlfriend.
Me: What did he ask??
Students: It's better you don't know.
This is just an example of a few of the things that happend during my time in 4B. They are a super fun class and I can't wait to see them all next week.
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